Library Link of the Day

November 2005

<< October 2005 | December 2005 >>

  1. Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution []
  2. Ambient Findability: Libraries at the Crossroads of Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet [Online]
  3. Don't Discredit My Online Degree [Library Journal]
  4. An Open Letter to All University Presidents and Provosts Concerning Increasingly Expensive Journals [Theodore Bergstrom and R. Preston McAfee]
  5. to sell individual book pages [The Boston Herald]
  6. Microsoft to Offer 100,000 Books Free Online [The Washington Post]
  7. Intelligent design case now in judge's hands [International Herald Tribune]
  8. Sony Facing Not-so-Secretive Legal Action [InternetNews]
  9. Web 2.0: Building the New Library [Ariadne]
  10. Machiavelli and Leadership: Is it Applicable in Libraries? [Michael Lorenzen]
  11. The FBI's Secret Scrutiny [The Washington Post]
  12. Pulp friction [The Economist]
  13. Libraries lure students with lattés [Star Tribune]
  14. Medicare Web site a mystery to seniors [The Saint Paul Pioneer Press]
  15. South to North: Formats and marketing [The Manila Times]
  16. What Is a Digital Library Anyway? [D-Lib Magazine]
  17. 'Goodnight Moon,' Smokeless Version [The New York Times]
  18. Persistent Identification of Electronic Documents and the Future of Footnotes [Law Library Journal]
  19. Will the Online Book Publishing Flap Rewrite Copyright Law? [Knowledge]
  20. The 'millennials' usher in a new era [CNET]
  21. Federal Repositories: Comparative Advantage in Open Access? [Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship]
  22. Wikipedia, Open Source and the Future of the Web [Talk of the Nation]
  23. How is paper made? [The Straight Dope]
  24. As we may search – Comparison of major features of the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar citation-based and citation-enhanced databases [Current Science]
  25. Tiny things, tiny minds [The Guardian]
  26. Order from Chaos [ACM Queue]
  27. Reevaluating Copyright: The Public Must Prevail [Oregon Law Review]
  28. Is the copyright law still valid in the digital age? [Shanghai Daily]
  29. Library police on the prowl [The Daily Telegraph]
  30. France Upholds Law That Smooths History [The Guardian]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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