Library Link of the Day

February 2003

<< January 2003 | March 2003 >>

  1. Psst! It's OK to Sound Off at Library [The Salt Lake Tribune]
  2. Survey: Users Consider Internet Important [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]
  3. Has Google Won? A Librarian Says Students Have More Data Than They Know What to Do With [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  4. Any Text. Anytime. Anywhere. (Any Volunteers?) [Wired Magazine]
  5. Sifting Through the Online Medical Jumble [The New York Times]
  6. Media is Ripe for a Convergence of a Different Sort [O'Reilly Network]
  7. ALA Council: Patriot Act a Danger [Library Journal]
  9. The L-Word [Searcher Magazine]
  10. Publishers: Get Ready for the New ISBN! [National Information Standards Organization]
  11. The Practical Realities of the New Copyright Laws: A Librarian's Perspective [Association of Research Libraries]
  12. Price Shock! [The University of Queensland Library]
  13. It Always Hurts the First Time: Experiences with transferred electronic records [Cultivate Interactive]
  14. Metadata by Crawling E-Publications [Information Technology and Libraries]
  15. Read & Learn with your Favourite Stars at the Library [Singapore National Library Board]
  16. At the Online Library . . . [Educational Pathways]
  17. Bioterror fears muzzle open science [BBC News]
  18. Question Negotiation and the Technological Environment [D-Lib Magazine]
  19. Plan Approved To Save U.S. Digital History [The Washington Post]
  20. Court rules in Internet murder [Concord Monitor]
  21. Library Catalogs: The Wrong Solution [Library Journal]
  22. Swimsuit issue is not an issue for many libraries [Tuscaloosa News]
  23. Investing in libraries connects us to the future [The Seattle Times]
  24. Displaying Digital Information on Paper-like Devices [The Joint Information Systems Committee]
  25. Library school lunacy [Revolting librarians]
  26. Bush to split apart State Library [Orlando Sentinel]
  27. The Value of Non-Commercial Web Directories [SearchDay]
  28. Ye Oprah Book Club Returneth [Forbes]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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