<< February 2013 | April 2013 >>
- Requirements for the Future Digital Library [Council on Library and Information Resources]
- Privacy 101 for Librarians [American Library Association]
- Online Library Wants It All, Every Book [The New York Times]
- The Library Shall Endure [The Book & The Computer]
- The Future of Journals [Information Today]
- Should libraries filter out Internet porn? [The Christian Science Monitor]
- Downloading the library [The Star-Ledger]
- Content Management's New Realities [ONLINE Magazine]
- Sanders attempts to soften USAPA [Brattleboro Reformer]
- Information Age Intelligence [The COBOL Report]
- Professors Blast e-Textbook Company [InternetNews]
- The End of Books [Scribner's magazine]
- Koans of the Zen Librarian [The Laughing Librarian]
- Taming the Wireless Frontier: PDAs, Tablets, and Laptops at Home on the Range [Computers in Libraries]
- 'Preserve net works for future' [UTV]
- Intellectual Freedom within the Profession: A Look back at Freedom of Expression And the Alternative Library Press [Library Juice]
- Usability Testing at Florida International University Libraries: What We Learned [Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship]
- Datapalooza makes research 'rock' at Parks Library [Iowa State Daily]
- The processed book [First Monday]
- Is this the library of the future? [BBC News]
- Online library offers 40,000 research papers [Gulf News]
- Semantic Applications, or Revenge of the Librarians [Darwin Magazine]
- America's Biggest Readers [Book magazine]
- Sharing the Wealth [Research Libraries Group]
- Green Printing - The New Bottom Line [BookTech the Magazine]
- Library workers sue over porn [The Saint Paul Pioneer Press]
- Libraries under attack [The Japan Times]
- Virtual Reference Service and Disservice [Computers in Libraries]
- Librarians and Publishers as Collaborators and Competitors [EDUCAUSE Review]
- Convincing others of what you do [Teacher Librarian]
- National Library Week [American Library Association]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Greece leads the Olympic opening processional, except for in 2004, when they entered last, as the host country.