Library Link of the Day

June 2023

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  1. UC Berkeley anthropologists fight to protect liberal arts [KALW]
  2. Fresh Ideas [American Libraries]
  3. ChatGPT conundrums [College & Research Libraries News]
  4. Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings [ABC News]
  5. The Artificial Intelligence Dilemma: Can Laws Keep Up? [Bloomberg Law]
  6. Utah district bans Bible in elementary and middle schools ‘due to vulgarity or violence’ [AP News]
  7. Transphobes Are Mad That the British Library Posted About a Fish That Can Change Its Sex [Them]
  8. The Case of the Knock-Off Cookbook [Plagiarism Today]
  9. A researcher who publishes a study every two days reveals the darker side of science [El País]
  10. Book bans are on the rise. Biden is naming a point person to address that [NPR]
  11. Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions: Cultural Humility in Library Work [Circulating Ideas]
  12. Information literacy in the age of internet conspiracism [Journal of Information Literacy]
  13. National Archives refutes claims Trump had two years to go through presidential records in rare public statement [CNN]
  14. I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print, and I regret nothing [Ars Technica]
  15. The Saga Over Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Russian Novel” Has an Uncomfortable Lesson—and It’s Not for Her [Slate]
  16. How AI art killed an indie book cover contest [The Verge]
  17. Twitter Hit With $250M Lawsuit From Music Publishers Over “Massive Copyright Infringement” Claim [The Hollywood Reporter]
  18. YouTube’s Science Scam Crisis [Kyle Hill]
  19. Illegal access to scholarly information: considerations regarding the use of sci-hub and its constraints to academic libraries [Beatriz Barrocas Ferreira]
  20. Check this out: the British Library gets into gaming [The Guardian]
  21. Introducing "AI Search" [LibraryThing]
  22. An 80-year odyssey of repatriation and repair [The Source]
  23. Popular A.I. services for creating images are legal minefields for artists seeking payment for their work [Fortune]
  24. LexisNexis Helps ICE Spy, Track Cars, and Try to Predict Crime [The Intercept]
  25. Replacing news editors with AI is a worry for misinformation, bias and accountability [The Conversation]
  26. OCLC introduces AI-generated book recommendations in and WorldCat Find beta [OCLC]
  27. 99% Of Books Won’t Make Their Money Back - Anna David [Film Courage]
  28. British Museum apologizes after using translator’s work in China exhibition without pay or acknowledgment [CNN]
  29. What Happens When Libraries Stop Sharing Wi-Fi? [KQED]
  30. RIAA Cracks Down on AI Voice Group on Discord: ‘Undermines The Entire Music Ecosystem’ [Billboard]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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