Library Link of the Day

September 2021

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  1. Why Companies Keep Folding to Copyright Pressure, Even If They Shouldn’t [EFF]
  2. Art, Power, and Profit at Duke University [The Assembly]
  3. An App Called Libby and the Surprisingly Big Business of Library E-Books [The New Yorker]
  4. Controlled Digital Lending: Unlocking the Library's Full Potential [Library Futures]
  5. Mergers, acquisitions, and my tinfoil hat [LibrarianShipwreck]
  6. The rightwing US textbooks that teach slavery as ‘black immigration’ [The Guardian]
  7. Higher Education Reckons With Concerns Over Online Proctoring and Harm to Students [SPARC]
  8. Abolitionist Library Workers Want Library Access for All. That Begins with Getting Cops Out. [In These Times]
  9. Uptick in First Amendment Audits [American Libraries]
  10. Boston Public Library Hit by Cyberattack [NBC Boston]
  11. This is the real story of the Afghan biometric databases abandoned to the Taliban [MIT Technology Review]
  12. Bias in the Library [On the Media]
  13. No revolution: COVID-19 boosted open access, but preprints are only a fraction of pandemic papers [Science]
  14. The ‘Pirate Bay of Science’ Adds 2 Million New Journal Articles [Motherboard]
  15. The Future Of Libraries [Techdirt]
  16. Utah librarians talk about 9/11, the Patriot Act, and how they became privacy warriors [The Salt Lake Tribune]
  17. Hawaii State Public Library system to require vaccinations or negative COVID-19 test result for all visitors [Honolulu Star Advertiser]
  18. Senator and congressman condemn Amazon for promoting anti-vaxxer books [The Guardian]
  19. The Book Biz Tries to Avoid Supply Chain Disruptions [Publishers Weekly]
  20. The ‘Plagiarism Hunter’ Terrorizing the German-Speaking World [The New York Times]
  21. A History of Library Hand [Book Riot]
  22. Whose Safety is the Priority? Attending to LIS Grassroots Movements and Patron Concerns Around Policing and Public Libraries [The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion ]
  23. Facebook's first smart glasses with Ray Ban are here - but not without a question mark over privacy [Euronews]
  24. The Trail Ink Left Behind [Now I Know]
  25. You’ll Still Be Able to Browse the NYPL’s Picture Collection [Curbed]
  26. How Do We Not Be Facebook? [Dorothea Salo]
  27. The Zeroth Law of Library Science [Medium]
  28. Times Are Changing: COVID-19 and Library Late Fees [Book Riot]
  29. ResearchGate Removes 200,000 ‘Infringing’ Files After Takedown Tidal Wave [TorrentFreak]
  30. Author Ta-Nehisi Coates on Banned Books Week, anti-racist books being banned [CBS News]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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