<< December 2018 | February 2019 >>
- Ten Stories That Shaped 2018 [LISNews]
- The 'Future Book' Is Here, but It's Not What We Expected [Wired]
- How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually. [New York Magazine]
- Cronyism, 'Wasteful' Spending Accusations Roil Government Publishing Office [All Things Considered]
- Censoring China’s Internet, for Stability and Profit [The New York Times]
- The Room of Requirement [This American Life]
- Will the world embrace Plan S, the radical proposal to mandate open access to science papers? [Science]
- Drag queen storytime draws protests [Herlad Citizen]
- Blowback Against a Hoax [Inside Higher Ed]
- What we gain from keeping books – and why it doesn’t need to be ‘joy’ [The Guardian]
- People older than 65 share the most fake news, a new study finds [The Verge]
- Some Japanese-Americans Wrongfully Imprisoned During WWII Oppose Census Question [All Things Considered]
- Professors Worry About the Cost of Textbooks, but Free Alternatives Pose Their Own Problems [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Why we are fascinated by miniature books [The Guardian]
- Editorial Mutiny at Elsevier Journal [Inside Higher Ed]
- The Hunt for the Nazi Loot Still Sitting on Library Shelves [The New York Times]
- What’s So Controversial About a Medieval Nun’s Teeth? [The New Republic]
- Judge strikes down Trump administration's plan to add a citizenship question to 2020 Census [USA Today]
- Nothing Can Stop Google. DuckDuckGo Is Trying Anyway. [Medium]
- How broken is YouTube’s copyright system? This dude’s voice just got claimed [The Daily Dot]
- 'Right to be forgotten' by Google should apply only in EU, says court opinion [The Guardian]
- Controlled Digital Lending Is Neither Controlled nor Legal [The Authors Guild]
- Google forced to remove search results in EU 'right to be forgotten' case [CNET]
- Does Journalism Have a Future? [The New Yorker]
- Ask The Chefs: The Future Form Of Scholarly Communication [The Scholarly Kitchen]
- “Is it a bird? Is it a plane?” Rethinking the binary divide between books and journals [Parameters]
- A Fine Way to Encourage Reading [Now I Know]
- Trapped in a hoax: survivors of conspiracy theories speak out [The Guardian]
- Library Acquisition Patterns [Ithaka S+R]
- Why Wikipedia’s Medical Content Is Superior [Slate]
- American Library Association Announces Caldecott And Newbery Medal Winners [All Things Considered]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Military K-9s are one rank higher than their handlers, so that anyone mistreating their dog is culpable of assaulting a superior.