<< February 2018 | April 2018 >>
- Bias already exists in search engine results, and it’s only going to get worse [MIT Technology Review]
- Relocation, Relocation, Relocation [Inside Higher Ed]
- Google Has Received 650,000 'Right To Be Forgotten' Requests Since 2014 [NPR]
- Dolly Parton Gives The Gift Of Literacy: A Library Of 100 Million Books [Inside Higher Ed]
- Once It Was Overdue Books. Now Librarians Fight Overdoses. [The New York Times]
- We Can, But Should We? [American Libraries]
- Who Should Be Armed in Florida Schools? Not Teachers, Lawmakers Say. But Maybe Librarians. [The New York Times]
- Erasing history [Columbia Journalism Review]
- Most Americans think artificial intelligence will destroy other people’s jobs, not theirs [The Verge]
- Do Academic Journals Favor Researchers from Their Own Institutions? [Harvard Business Review]
- Misinformation Overload [Medium]
- Modern libraries: Moving from a transactional to a relational library [Princh]
- Banning literature in prisons perpetuates system that ignores inmate humanity [USA Today]
- In Transparency Lawsuits, The University of Wisconsin Ends Up On The Losing Side [Lake Effect]
- What Hath We Wrought? [danah boyd]
- Shame: The Emotional Basis of Library Anxiety [College & Research Libraries]
- Will BookBots be the revolution libraries are looking for? [The Pulse]
- Research Shows That Published Versions Of Papers In Costly Academic Titles Add Almost Nothing To The Freely-Available Preprints They Are Based On [Techdirt]
- Who Should Lead ALA? [Publishers Weekly]
- Reddit and the Struggle to Detoxify the Internet [The New Yorker]
- Abortion And Freedom Of Speech: A Volatile Mix Heads To The Supreme Court [Morning Edition]
- Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach [The Guardian]
- John Oliver Challenges V.P. Pence Via Picture Book Showdown [Publishers Weekly]
- YouTube wants the news audience, but not the responsibility [Columbia Journalism Review]
- Cooking the Books with Yotam and Nigella [Gastropod]
- Why The Graphing Calculator Hasn't Changed Much Since 1994 [Morning Edition]
- Blind Users Celebrate as Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Bill Drops [EFF]
- Why Wikipedia Works [New York Magazine]
- Orange City library to change how materials are grouped after complaints on LGBTQ content [Des Moines Register]
- Erica Stone: Academic research is publicly funded -- why isn't it publicly available? [TED]
- Why The Number Of Independent Bookstores Increased During The 'Retail Apocalypse' [All Things Considered]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Roulette, an invention by the mathematician Blaise Pascal, was a by-product of his experiments with perpetual motion.