- Robot roams library stacks [The Denver Post]
- Are Book Reviewers Out of Print? [The New York Times]
- Magazine learns to heed its own advice [CNET News.com]
- Online Library Card Registration Enables Free Passage to Digital Gems [Computers in Libraries]
- Steal this comic [Salon]
- UK Libraries Living a Second Life on World Wide Web [University of Kentucky]
- Leading a Digital Revolution [Egypt Today]
- DVD DRM row sparks user rebellion [BBC News]
- Shh...Library launches sex hotline [CNN]
- Open Access and the Progress of Science [American Scientist]
- Microsoft Versus Your TV [Forbes]
- Google Shareholders Vote Against Anti-Censorship Proposal [PC World]
- Letter: Wake Libraries Wrong To Ban MySpace [The Raleigh Chronicle]
- Demonstration to cut Danville library's Internet service [The News-Gazette]
- LG Philips Launches Bendable E-Paper Color Monitor [PC World]
- Of Real and Digital Libraries [Library Journal]
- Just a Google Search Away [Inside Higher Ed]
- Unearthing a Genre [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- The Sound of Copy Restrictions Crashing [The Washington Post]
- Hundreds in Hong Kong complain Bible too sexual in apparent protest of obscenity ruling [International Herald Tribune]
- What If Every Child Had A Laptop? [60 Minutes]
- In print forever? Sometimes, authors would rather go out of print [The Seattle Times]
- Going Virtual: Technology and the Future of Academic Libraries [Library Council of Southeastern Wisconsin]
- Citywide Wi-Fi struggles to reach users [CNN]
- Everything is Miscellaneous [Google Tech Talks]
- The Four Habits of Highly Effective Librarians [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Researchers Turn Web Blather to Books [The Washington Post]
- Standing Up for Open Access [Inside Higher Ed]
- Unwanted books go up in flames [CNN]
- Blu-ray versus HD DVD [The Sydney Morning Herald]
- Gilbert library to be first to drop Dewey Decimal [The Arizona Republic]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Six people died in Oregon during WWII as a result of a Japanese balloon bomb.