- Ten Graces for New Librarians [GraceAnne DeCandido]
- Free Comic Book Day 2004 [Diamond Comic Distributors]
- Search Engine Technology and Digital Libraries [D-Lib Magazine]
- Final list of things making libraries look stupid [PUBLIB]
- Debt collectors go after overdue books [USA Today]
- To Chat Or Not to Chat - Taking Another Look at Virtual Reference, Part 1 [Searcher Magazine]
- Libraries Receive Thousands Of Outdated CDs [TheIndyChannel.com]
- Libraries uphold privacy [The Detroit News]
- The Book Cooperative [Bluesock Solutions]
- Bookstore survival [Tucson Citizen]
- Bush Wins; House Leaves Patriot Act As Is [The Guardian]
- Internet more friend than foe for libraries [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review]
- Fire department bars book-burning [CNN]
- Study says medical journals allowed conflicts [The Star-Ledger]
- S.D. governor pulls plug on part of library Web site [USA Today]
- Searching for The New York Times [Wired News]
- Sony e-book reader tackles the fine print [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
- Read at Your Own Risk [Slate]
- ALA Cognotes [American Library Association]
- Alleged library book thief sparks chase [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]
- Top Clinton aide in secrets row [The Guardian]
- Robots get bookish in libraries [BBC News]
- Library user cutting 'bad' words from popular book series [The Salt Lake Tribune]
- White House Suggests Reinstating Literacy Requirements for Voting [The Watley Review]
- Libraries ordered to destroy US pamphlets [The Boston Globe]
- Weblogs: Do they belong in libraries? [Ariadne]
- Libraries struggle to keep up with demand for instant information [The Herald]
- Life has gotten even shorter in digital age [USA Today]
- For Publisher of 9/11 Report, a Royalty-Free Windfall [The New York Times]
- 500 Books In Your Gadget Bag [Gizmodo]
- Special Librarians: Not Just By the Book [Career Pro News]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.