<< August 2014 | October 2014 >>
- Questions for IBM’s Watson [The New York Times]
- What Do Schools Risk By Going ‘Full Google’? [MindShift]
- Why Your Library May Soon Have Laser Cutters and 3-D Printers [Wired]
- Pastor wants 'demonic' books removed from public library [abc13 News]
- In Maryland, a Soviet-Style Punishment for a Novelist [The Atlantic]
- How tech is changing reading at libraries [Marketplace]
- Book Publishing, Not Fact-Checking [The Atlantic]
- When Book Reviews Go Wrong [ABC News]
- Can textbook costs be controlled? [The Boston Globe]
- Here’s Why We Need to Protect Public Libraries [Slate]
- New Pew Report Explores Young Americans' Library Habits [Publishers Weekly]
- Taking A Long-Overdue Sledgehammer To The Public Library [Elasticity]
- Books that have stayed with us [Facebook]
- 'Bookbook' ad from Ikea mocks Apple in a brilliant way [The Christian Science Monitor]
- Publishers Gave Away 122,951,031 Books During World War II [The Atlantic]
- Libraries may digitize books without permission, EU top court rules [PCWorld]
- Montgomery libraries change to reflect digital world [Montgomery Advertiser]
- Bible-pushing Christians open the door for Satanic activity books in Florida schools [Raw Story]
- Ebooks or Paper Books: Your Best Arguments [Lifehacker]
- How copyright became the best defense against revenge porn [The Washington Post]
- Paper Vs. Plasma: How the Digital Reading Shift is Impacting Your Brain [The Takeaway]
- Duck Penis Paradox: PLOS One's Mission to Democratize Science [New Republic]
- It’s Banned Books Week: Here are 5 Classic Books to Celebrate With [Time]
- Swets files for bankruptcy [The Bookseller]
- What happens to literacy when the internet turns into a giant TV station? [The Verge]
- Research Institutions Will Have To Identify 'Dual-Use' Pathogens [NPR]
- The Lost Art Of Cratedigging [Medium]
- Go digital or die, Australia’s cultural institutions told [GovernmentNews]
- Ellora’s Cave Sues Dear Author Book Blog for Defamation [The Digital Reader]
- Miami-Dade libraries need to end ‘bookish’ attitude, panel says [Miami Herald]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.