Library Link of the Day

January 2014

<< December 2013 | February 2014 >>

  1. Reading a novel triggers lasting changes in the brain [Medical News Today]
  2. Libraries become tech hubs for the digitally inclined [Star Tribune]
  3. Netflix Built Its Microgenres By Staring Into The American Soul [Fresh Air]
  4. How We Love Our Public Libraries [Wisconsin Public Radio]
  5. Minnesota librarians push to curb NSA snooping [Star Tribune]
  6. David Cameron's internet porn filter is the start of censorship creep [The Guardian]
  7. Li Hongbo Art [My Creative Side Tv]
  8. Born Digital, Projects Need Attention to Survive [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  9. Lebanon Library Torched, 78,000 Books Burned By Islamists [The Huffington Post]
  10. Some college athletes play like adults, read like 5th-graders [CNN]
  11. Computer program predicts best sellers [TechEye]
  12. Texas library offers glimpse of bookless future [USA Today]
  13. The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Reader [The New York Times]
  14. Death threats and denial for woman who showed college athletes struggle to read [CNN]
  15. Politicians and Textbooks [The New York Times]
  16. Bavarian U-turn over academic reprint of Hitler's Mein Kampf blurs ethics [The Guardian]
  17. E-books surge as devices multiply — but print holds fast [NBC News]
  18. Top 10 Retractions of 2013 [The Scientist]
  19. Net neutrality ruling: How Verizon decision affects consumers [The Christian Science Monitor]
  20. Coming to an office near you [The Economist]
  21. Bosnia opens library to house ancient manuscripts [The Boston Globe]
  22. Books go online for free in Norway [The Telegraph]
  23. India's street typists heading for a final full-stop [BBC News]
  24. It’s Here: A Library With Nary a Book [The New York Times]
  25. Net Neutrality and You [On the Media]
  26. The Decline of the American Book Lover [The Atlantic]
  27. Half of taxpayer funded research will soon be available to the public [The Washington Post]
  28. Creationism again stalks the classroom [Los Angeles Times]
  29. Accreditation Standards & Libraries: A Dangerous Ride Down a Devolving Course [ACRLog]
  30. Tarantino Sues Gawker. Are Journalists Responsible for Content They Link to? [Businessweek]
  31. College textbook costs more outrageous than ever [Today]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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