Library Link of the Day

October 2008

<< September 2008 | November 2008 >>

  1. Shuttered EPA Libraries Reopen After Two-Year Battle, but Concerns Remain [Library Journal]
  2. Virtual Worlds? "Outlook Good" [EDUCAUSE Review]
  3. Putting the Library in Wikipedia [Online]
  4. Banned Books, Chapter 2 [The Washington Post]
  5. Sweeping Questions [National Review]
  6. Surfing for a second opinion [International Herald Tribune]
  7. Can Reading Help Kids Lose Weight? [Time]
  8. Protecting privacy rights in libraries [The Burlington Free Press]
  9. LibraryH3lp: A New Flexible Chat Reference System [The Code4Lib Journal]
  10. Using Video Games as Bait to Hook Readers [The New York Times]
  11. IPhone Steals Lead Over Kindle [Forbes]
  12. Consoles, Clickers and Chat: Tools for the Library of Today [The Alliance for Information Science and Technology Innovation]
  13. The Red Lending Menace [The Colbert Report]
  14. University Libraries in Google Project to Offer Backup Digital Library [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  15. Multitasking Teens May Be Muddling Their Brains [Morning Edition]
  16. Internet use 'good for the brain' [BBC News]
  17. Library PR 2.0 [Library Journal]
  18. Spoiler alert: Comic books are alive and kicking [Fortune]
  19. Pillaging Iraqi history [Los Angeles Times]
  20. Library use rises as economy falls [The Boston Globe]
  21. Acclaimed Colombian Institution Has 4,800 Books and 10 Legs [The New York Times]
  22. Wikipedia and the Meaning of Truth [Technology Review]
  23. Urban Fiction Goes From Streets to Public Libraries [The New York Times]
  24. Schools, libraries see hundreds of requests to ban books [USA Today]
  25. At this library, you can check out a person instead [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]
  26. Oprah Rekindles Sales For “Kindle” [eFluxMedia]
  27. School Librarians Connect Kids with Galleys [Publishers Weekly]
  28. Halsey mom softens stance on 'Bunny Suicides' [The Oregonian]
  29. Google Settles Book-Scan Lawsuit, Everybody Wins [Wired News]
  30. Mourning Old Media’s Decline [The New York Times]
  31. "Get Her" [Ghostbusters]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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