Library Link of the Day

June 2003

<< May 2003 | July 2003 >>

  1. Catalog This: An Interview With Activist Librarian Jessamyn West [Friction Magazine]
  2. Life of a Saleswoman [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  3. I Really Know What You Mean [PC Magazine]
  4. Predicting the Future of Databases [Library Journal]
  5. In Complaint to Riverside Schools, Toilet-Humor Book Doesn't Amuse [The Los Angeles Times]
  6. The End of History [Slate]
  7. Ashcroft defends search of library records [Federal Computer Week]
  8. Collection agency to throw book at library deadbeats [The Houston Chronicle]
  9. Ex-library worker's residence searched in Yale bomb probe [The Boston Globe]
  10. In Gold Ink on a Chip, the World's Tiniest Book [The New York Times]
  11. Museum loss 'is minimal' [Gulf News]
  12. Deployment doesn't keep parents from kids' storytime [Stars and Stripes]
  13. Scholarly Associations and the Economic Viability of Open Access Publishing [Journal of Digital Information]
  14. ALA Going Ahead with a Scaled-Down Convention [Publishers Weekly]
  15. Harry Potter books are sparking a rise in Satanism among children [Urban Legends Reference Pages]
  16. Library of the Year: Las Vegas-Clark County Library District, Las Vegas, Nevada [Library Journal]
  17. The dead poets society: The copyright term and the public domain [First Monday]
  18. Librarians' last stand: They fight back to preserve stacks [The Christian Science Monitor]
  19. Gemstar to quit electronic book business [Forbes]
  20. Libraries and Liberties [PBS NewsHour]
  21. Shadows to the stars [The Daily Telegraph]
  22. It Must Be Magic. The Whole World Is Reading. [The Washington Post]
  23. Cuban librarian says U.S. funds illegal lenders [The Salt Lake Tribune]
  24. Anti-porn filters decision upheld [The Age]
  25. Google Meets eBay [D-Lib Magazine]
  26. Vatican unveils virtual tour [BBC News]
  27. Opening up scientific research [San Francisco Chronicle]
  28. Survey: US needs tough Net privacy laws [The Boston Globe]
  29. Developing a Needs Based Library Service [Information for Social Change]
  30. Real life, real users, and real needs: a study and analysis of user queries on the web [Information Processing and Management]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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