Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

To take the test, select an answer for each of the questions below, then click Score Results. There are no right or wrong answers, merely virtues and traits you most adhere to. You will then be matched with the fantasy or science fiction character that you have the most in common with.

The only way to get something done right is to do it yourself.

You try to be guided and ruled by your:

You would rather recharge by:

People turn to you for advice:

If you could rig the next big election so that your candidate of choice came out on top, would you?

You are on a jury and are offered a large bribe. Do you:

If killing your best friend would make you immortal, would you do it?

Your friends would describe you as:

Your beliefs are best described as:

When assigned to a group project you are more likely to:

You are more likely to enjoy:

You are __________ that there is an afterlife.

In a criminal justice system, it would be preferable to:

It would make you happier doing: